Stellarium crashes windows 7 0.17.0
Stellarium crashes windows 7 0.17.0

stellarium crashes windows 7 0.17.0

Fixed translation the column names in AstroCalc/WUT tool when language is changed.Fixed clazy warnings for plugins and core.Fixed nomenclature longitudes (GH: #2158).Fixed rendering gravity labels of compass.Fixed rendering gravity labels on HiDPI devices.Fixed Stephenson & Houlden (1986) algorithm for DeltaT.Fixed Stephenson, Morrison & Hohenkerk solution for DeltaT.Added column “Visibility conditions” to the lunar eclipses.Added missing timezone for Nuuk (GH: #2140).Added Solar Eclipses to Astronomical calculations (GH: #2218, #407).Added support heliocentric ecliptic positions of the major planets into AstroCalc/Positions tool (GH: #2233).Added Revised Julian Calendar into Calendars plugin (GH: #2214).Added support of seasonal polar caps on the Mars (GH: #2220, #2040).Added boundaries to Arabic Lunar Stations skycultute (GH: #2222).Added proper name for CTB 1 (Abell 85) nebula.Added functions from CC:UE chapter 14 on astronomical functions (GH: #2229).Added French Revolution Calendar (astronomical version) (GH: #2229).Added nowruz to both Persian calendar versions (GH: #2229).Added Persian Astronomical calendar (GH: #2229).Added 2 asterisms: Medium Bull & Minor Bull.Added Egyptian (Dendera) sky culture (GH: #2329).Added mistakenly removed parentheses to the regex (GH: #2324).Added configurable text color (GH: #2284).Added 60-year-cycle to Tibetan calendar (GH: #2284).Added New and Astronomical Hindu Calendars (GH: #2284).Added texture for an interesting distorted galaxy NGC 2146 in Camelopardalis.Added support alternative names (designations) for exoplanets (GH: #2350).Added Modified Espenak & Meeus (2006, 2022) solution for DeltaT (GH: #2340).Added actions to quick choose of presets for the selected object information (GH: #2206).Added proper name for Stock 2 cluster (GH: #2207).Added actions to centering screen on current telescope position (GH: #1956).Added Lunar Eclipses to Astronomical calculations (GH: #2190, #407).Added Akan (ak), Karelian (krl), Montenegrin (cnr) and Serbian (Latin) languages support.Added support decimal coordinates for planetary features (GH: #2158).Added human readable format for coordinates of planetary features (GH: #2158).Added ability moving StelDialogSeparate to a separate screen (GH: #2132).This may give better screen colors on some systems. Added color conversion to AdobeRGB (not only sRGB).Added scripting functions to modify tone mapping settings (GH: #2085).Added GUI to fine-tune viewing environment (tone mapping) (GH: #2085).Added ability tweaking atmosphere: allow rendering the Sun after the atmosphere (avoid overbrightening, but may look too dark) (GH: #2085).Added ability tweaking atmosphere: allow solar halo drawing before or after 3d solar sphere (GH: #2085).Just keeps atmosphere refraction and extinction effects (GH: #2085) Added a flag to suppress atmosphere scattering rendering.Added an exponential twilight transition to Preetham zenith luminance (GH: #2085).Added ability coupling extinction coefficient and atmosphere turbidity (GH: #2085).Added ability switching between 2 presets of chromaticity parameters (Preetham/Stellarium) (GH: #2085).Added ability switching between Preetham and Schaefer for sky brightness (CIE Y channel) (GH: #2085).Added GUIs for tweaking some atmosphere parameters and better understand how these things work together (GH: #2085).Added 2 startup shortcuts for linux distros (GH: #2129).Added checks for valid UTF-8 sequence for SS files (GH: #2146).Added ability to support multi supergroups for satellites.Added ability to search satellites by COSPAR ID.


  • There has also been a large number of bug fixes and closed feature requests and enhancements (see full list of changes).

    Technical preparations towards a major upgrade of the internal Qt framework.Improved OnlineQueries and Satellites plugin.Several new calendars in the Calendars plugin.Allow tweaks for the atmosphere brightness/color model and tone mapping.

    stellarium crashes windows 7 0.17.0

  • Switch from Bortle scale to physical brightness values for light pollution.
  • AstroCalc: RTS (Rises, Transits, Settings).
  • The Stellarium team is delighted to announce the release of Stellarium 0.22.0.

    Stellarium crashes windows 7 0.17.0